Tweet It’s embarrassing in the least, dangerous at best. Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama both support the protests of these violent Marxists. What’s worse is now the Nazis have joined the Communists in support of taking down the country. Do they not realize it’s not the 1% they are hurting, but the other 99% they […]
Tweet Professional agitators from NYC called the tea party to ask us to come join them in protest. Are they kidding? Where were they for the last 4 years on End the Fed? Why did none of these socialists help us protest the biggest elitist in the world, George Soros, when he came to NH […]
Tweet Poopsters Unite! Occupy and Poop!
Tweet Proof that this is a massive ASTROTURF undertaking from the elites who fund the FAR LEFT: Wealthy benefactors ship supplies to Occupy hypocrites Some of the wealthy foundations and organizations that helped organize OWS (from an Occupier himself)
Tweet Photos of today’s event… at RBO Blog