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Progressive Violence Has Gone Too Far?

Tweet Perhaps they are emboldened by the fact that the schoolteacher who threatened to put bullets in the heads of Wisconsin legislators and their families was not even arrested or perhaps it’s because the unions are in bed with the socialist/communist parties here and abroad. We don’t know.. but the violence from the left exceeds […]

Founder of the Tea Party Visits NH

Tweet Pictured here is Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (R-Texas) the ‘father’ of the modern day tea party with RNC Committeewoman Phyllis Woods and NH GOP Chairman Jack Kimball.

Union Protests Orchestrated by International Socialists

Tweet The International Socialist Organization is who pulled the permit for the “American Dream” event. The Blaze has the rest of the story. Notce that is involved? They are an eco-terrorist group funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The Rockefeller Brothers are ‘big oil’, one of the biggest oil families in the world. See […]

Concord Rally 2.26.2011

Tweet Today in Concord, tea party activists gathered to show support for the Governor of Wisconsin. Please click on each photo for a larger view. Also, Don Levesque Jr. from Hampstead has several videos of Concord on FaceBook:!/profile.php?id=100000791653639

Climate of Hate – From the Left

Tweet This is about as comprehensive a list of hate speech and graphics and actions as anyone has ever seen. Thank you Michelle Malkin.

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