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Heritage Awards NHTPC 2010 Salvatori Prize

Tweet Yesterday at the CNHT Annual Picnic, Chairman Ed Naile announced that the NHTPC received the 2010 Salvatori Prize for being an outstanding citizens group. Here is Ed showing it to the audience. This will definitely be placed on the wall in the office we use. Video Credits:

NH Soldiers and Citizens Make Afghan Kids Happy

Tweet A note from an anonymous soldier who’d received a donation of stuff toys to hand out to the children in Afghanistan, donated by the Pease Greeters. Just wanted to drop you a short note to let you know that I took one of the boxes to the bazaar this weekend to hand out to […]

First City Falls to Marxist Invasion

Tweet FROM JEROME CORSI’S RED ALERT Invasion! U.S. ‘sanctuary city’ succumbs to illegals 1st municipality to fire all public employees after being forced into bankruptcy A California “sanctuary city” has fallen victim to illegal immigration – going bankrupt and firing all of its public employees, Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reports. The city of Maywood, Calif., […]

G20 Abandons Poverty Pledge; Leftists Stage Violence

Tweet A promise to help eradicate poverty in the third world has been dropped from the G8 and G20 Summits in Toronto. Well we suspect this is not good news for Obama’s Global Poverty Act aka the “ONE” Campaign. Also, we note that the far left also does not like what is going on at […]

Senator Robert Byrd (D-KKK)

Tweet Barnicle Can’t Bring Himself To Mention Byrd’s Klan Past From NewsBusters: When Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond died, the MSM was quick to stress his segregationist past. The New York Times ran the headline “Strom Thurmond, Foe of Integration, Dies at 100,” leaving readers to imagine the South Carolinian had remained an advocate of segregation. […]

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