Tweet DEFEND, DON’T AMEND! Please write to your state representatives in NH and ask they do more research before supporting the call for an Article V Convention. Ask them to SUPPORT HCR 1 which is a call to rescind any and all calls for a Convention. Find their addresses here: Who Is My Legislator? Here […]
Tweet This petition is to the NH Legislature.
Tweet For now it seems that Obama’s amnesty travesty has been foiled. According to this article, fighting the judge’s decision to stop his push will be a ‘lengthy process’. We can only hope. Judge Rules Against Obama’s Amnesty But another pressing and dangerous issue is the FCC’s attempt to take over the internet. I […]
Tweet Jim Rubens and Hal Shurtleff debate the dangers of the Article V Convention on this morning’s Girard at Large show. Here it is in two audio files. Part 1 and Part 2
Tweet NH legislators Rep. Itse, Rock 10; Rep. Hoell, Merr 23; Rep. Ingbretson, Graf 15; Rep. Ulery, Hills 37; Rep. Tucker, Rock 23; Sen. Reagan, Dist 17 have co-sponsored HB 148 in attempt to LIMIT “the authority of delegates to Article V conventions”, which they apparently support. From the bill’s analysis description: “This bill […]