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What and Who is Behind the Takeover of Education

Tweet Even though you were warned years ago by teachers who figured out why the word “global” was being tossed around so much in training workshops, you may still be oblivious to the fact that the United Nations was in the process of taking over your public schools. Through federal mandates such as Goals 2000, […]

The Men Behind the Article V Convention

Tweet Find out why an Article V Convention, in this day and age, is NOT a good idea. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Dangers of Article V Convention with Atty Deborah Stevenson

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Dover Residents Question “Refugee” Resettlement

Tweet Apparently, Foster’s had difficulties with the accuracy of their story of Dover residents confronting the City Council on August 13… In an August 14, 2014 article “Dover residents critical of bringing refugees to region”, reporter Andrea Bulfinch made quite a few mistakes. Read the article… The City Council meeting, 8/13/2014 is replayed here: […]

North American Union Has Begun

Tweet Recent activities along our southern border demonstrate to many that the North American Union invasion is in full swing with our borders being ignored. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: WND Reports: An organization of former Border Patrol agents Wednesday charged that the federal government, […]

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