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End the Fed Rally in Boston Saturday November 24th

Tweet Join us at 12 Noon at the Parkman Bandstand Charles Street, Boston Massachusetts for and End the Fed rally.

The Purpose of Public Schools

Tweet Eye-opening video.

Connect the Dots – Farmer Cleared

Tweet Cleared of charges in Hennepin County, Schlangen still faces a second criminal trial in a different jurisdiction, Stearns County, on six misdemeanor counts for alleged violations of the Minnesota food and dairy code. A pre-trial hearing in the case is scheduled for November 2nd. Falls Church, Virginia (September 27, 2012 – GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — […]

Yes Virginia There is Voter Fraud in NH

Tweet Here is one incident from 2008 that was documented and prosecuted — H/T to CNHT O’Keefe strikes again with new evidence of Obama for America/DNC workers assisting in double voting…

Draconian Effects of Agenda 21

Tweet This presentation gives a brief overview of how (YARTS)– the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System came about and what the residents plan to do to stop this taxpayer-subsidized Public transit boondoggle.

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