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Gingrich Busted: Recently Caught Recommending OBAMACARE

Tweet Shame on anyone calling themselves ‘tea party’ who votes for this man.

CFR: The Most Dangerous NGO That Runs America

Tweet If you thought congress ran America you were wrong. The Council on Foreign Relations is right up front about the push for world government. They are a pox on our sovereignty and need to be driven to extinction.

The Federal Reserve Explained

Tweet In case you wonder why the tea party is so against the ‘Fed’…

The Truth About Blowback

Tweet In case you wonder why they hate us, it’s the things you don’t see that cause blowback.

Thank You James O’Keefe

Tweet Thank you James O’Keefe for bringing this issue to the forefront. CNHT has worked on this issue for years and it has been ignored. Perhaps Kelly Ayotte, Bill Gardner, and Bud Fitch are the ones that need to be prosecuted.

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