Tweet In this video, Gingrich jokes about using the psychology of letting a terror attack happen every so often to keep the American people on their toes. “Think about it” he says. He was totally serious! Say what?
Tweet Listen to audio Laura Rambeau Lee from Big Government and Lisa McLoughlin from Truth About IB talk about International Baccalaureate.
Tweet H/T to Michelle Malkin and one of our members who is a long time school teacher for bringing this to light. Some glaring errors in an issue of Scholastic’s student newspaper need correction. From this section on the tea party movement last fall: “The Tea Party movement was founded in 2009 to advocate smaller […]
Tweet According to a neurosurgeon who called into the Mark Levin show, if you are over the age of 70, you will only get ‘comfort’ care, but not curative care. We will be called ‘units’ not patients. Those who decide what money will be spent on which procedures and for whom, are called ‘ethics’ panelists. […]
Tweet This interview with Norman Dodd will help explain the reason why major foundations of the 1% contribute to the very revolutionaries who are claiming to be against the oligarchy… Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Why the “Fed” is a FRAUD.