Tweet Nancy Pelosi was crying crocodile tears over imaginary violence (because it never materialized) and perceived racism at our tea parties (she said a sign had swastikas on it — but as far as we know, this ONE person who was carrying it was referring to how the he felt about the government’s behavior towards […]
Tweet There have been several complete documents that reveal the Occupy movement as nothing more than a cover for a communist revolution and takeover. This of course would further empower the central bankers. The organizers are professionals, and they have planned this all in advance. Their redistributive demands show they are anything BUT ‘mainstream’. Big […]
Tweet Ten reasons why Occupy movement CANNOT be compared to the TEA PARTY 1) The tea party obtains permits and goes home at night; doesn’t leave a place filthy 2) The tea party is not funded by Rockefeller, Carnegie or Soros foundations, or anyone else 3) No one ever got arrested at a tea party; […]
Tweet Here is the professional organizer who made calls to the tea party in NH to try to get them to participate in their Marxist-fest. So far, Occupy NH has been a bust — few people support them and the Mayor of Manchester is about to evict them tonight. This professionally produced video with the […]
Tweet Love her spunk, her words, her voice… God bless you sister!