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Obama Will Act as Dictator

Tweet “Just get it done’ he says…

Occupy LA: Violence Will Be Necessary

Tweet Add this violence to the sex, drugs, racism and antisemitism these Marxists are promoting in the streets as they defecate on police cars and flags and refuse to leave places for which they are not allowed to gather. Occupy L.A. Speaker: “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. […]

Racism, Homophobia Rampant at Occupy-fests

Tweet First, here is Congressman John Lewis, Civil Rights Hero, being denied the opportunity to speak. This is the Congressman who lied about the tea party, claiming someone who was speaking loudly and accidentally sprayed him, actually ‘spit’ on him on purpose. (not true). If you can get past the Orwellian-style chanting…have a look. NO […]

Soros Hires Actors to Stage Violence

Tweet Occupy Wall Street is one huge ‘false flag’ operation. This ‘movement’ has always been the creation of the vast left-wing network of Soros-funded entities. This is why you see signs supporting totalitarian centralized government providing free health care, free college, free housing, open borders, enforcing confiscation of property from the ‘rich’, and everything else […]

Occupy Wall Street – Purely Communist, Purely Astroturfed

Tweet Ron Paul supporters should be wary It has been the contention of a few supposedly liberty-minded activists here in NH that this “Occupy Wall Street” movement shares issues of concern to the tea party. Some have even foolishly joined in with the Occupy New Hampshire’s ‘General Assemblies’ (a communist term in and of itself) […]

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