Tweet And she was serious. Governor Bev Purdue of North Carolina, a Democrat suggested suspending elections for Congress until the country’s problems are solved. She was dead serious… “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, […]
Tweet Did Rick Perry lie to Rebekah Maxwell about his support of TARP? We think so. Rick Perry on Tarp – Click to Listen
Tweet Interesting video on the situation in Texas…
Tweet Obama has launched yet another website to keep tabs on all of you who don’t fall into line and stop talking about him. Be sure to turn in the little old lady next door when she fails to recycle… Hah. It’s called ‘Attack Watch’ and it’s real… This parody is an indication of how […]
Tweet Garland County, Arkansas Tea Party Video featuring Diane Silverman co-founder and chairperson. She is correct when she says the big issue is about centralized government vs national sovereignty. Will America’s independence be saved?