Tweet There are still some supporters of presidential candidates who claim that some in the GOP fell for the ‘conspiracy theory’ or ‘hoax’ of the NAFTA Superhighway that Rick Perry was promoting in Texas.. the highway that was being planned until it was stopped by the property owners who were about to have their land […]
Tweet GAIA is the new religion of the globalists at the UN, and it is being taught in your public schools for the purpose of bringing the United States into compliance with the UN’s ‘Agenda 21’ goals. Notice in the first video, she refers to the land areas by names such as “Oceania” not by […]
Tweet With all the talk about ‘tea party violence’ which never materialized, we think back to the era when patriot militias, groups who routinely practice their self defense and survival skills in case of national strife or war, were demonized and targeted by our government. Watching these videos you have to wonder — where is […]