Tweet The GOP’s last pick for President has shown his colors yet again defending his spending habits and opting to continue bankrupting America. Sen. McCain insulted the Tea Party and the new freshmen in the House for fighting DC’s continued spending spree DC. McCain must hear from you. NH Congressman Frank Guinta is under huge […]
Tweet Peggy Joseph, where are you now? Love for you to contact us… let us know how you’re doing. Remembering the media-created frenzy…
Tweet Does anyone else find it highly disturbing that not only is Lynch using the NGA for sweeping educational reforms without public input, he’s taking part in this July’s China forum? The Chinese have kindly offered to take over our industrial base, transportation and power infrastructures. How nice of them… It’s July, do you know […]
Tweet Does your GOP candidate support policies that follow along with globalism/internationalism for world government? Chances are good they do… While this video gets the date of the first modern tea party wrong (it was not in 2009 after Santelli’s rant but on December 16, 2007 by Ron Paul supporters who tossed tea in the […]