Tweet IMPORTANT NOTE: All posts about prominent figures reflect facts gleaned for informational purposes only and will be updated as further information is found. They are not to be construed as anything other than each person’s history as it pertains to issues that may be of importance to most tea partiers. IT IS NEVER TO […]
Tweet The UN’s Agenda 21 has the goal of setting up cities so that through government funded programs, people will be herded away from their individual homes in the suburbs, into designated compacted living areas in the city, while the rest of the countryside is given back to the ‘wild’ for the animals. It is […]
Tweet Student describes how they were solicited to join the Communist party as part of his class content… Addendum: This is what our president supports – Marxism and the Communist party are colluding with SEIU and the Democrats
Tweet WND has a full article that quotes one of our friendly researchers over at Truth About IB.
Tweet And more about shaping children for Marxism… And if you can stomach it… more…