Tweet This video proves they are more bold than ever.. as simple search will reveal scores of socialist and communist organizations across the globe, some are promoting world socialism and others are targeting students, minorities, and workers in the US. To those who know history, this is worse than supporting HITLER.
Tweet A “Kocher” is a a lefty who believes in the conspiracy theory the Koch Brothers are behind everything from the NH Tea Party to the NH Legislature. They are the mainstream of the left and seem to ignore that they are bought and paid for by big money interests who fund left-wing causes like […]
Tweet If Agenda 21 is the plan to control all land usage, then Codex Alimentarius is to control all food production. Obama recently signed into law the Food Modernization and Safety Act which would basically bring us into compliance with the UN’s plan. Read the Bill Monsanto has their hand in Codex and our legislature […]