Tweet These people should have been in jail for life, not working in our educational system and advocating for the take down of the United States. They have admitted that Obama recognizes and promotes world government as seen by his campaign stop to Berlin Germany. The enemy is within!
Tweet Great job Mike and the rest in Merrimack NH for your excellent show.
Tweet According to this man, the Koch Brothers, whoever the hell they are, ‘deserve to die’. We wonder how they zeroed in on these guys, who have little to do with anything going on in the tea party? We wonder how they feel about George Soros attempting to take away their constitution and bill of […]
Tweet Recall that the Democrats tried to put in new gun laws all because a few people shouted from the gallery when HCR 6 went down. Note the disruptive and disrespectful behavior coming from the left as they protest the budget negotiations. What with the recent threats of “bullets through the head” to certain Wisconsin […]