Tweet Pattern of hate, degradation, and violent rhetoric continues with the far leftists who support the unions. Union Thug Talks Dirty To Constitution-Wielding 17-Year Old.
Tweet Read about it… About NHTPC Just so we can make sure history is recorded correctly, here is the real scoop. The tea party movement started with the first tea party on December 16 of 2007 so we actually just celebrated the 4th anniversary of the movement NOT the second… The second tea party was […]
Tweet This is not an endorsement of any candidate in particular. We would like to remind you again that your town and school meetings are very important and not to miss them! Check with your town for dates of the meetings, deliberative sessions, and SB 2 elections. Local activists Wesley Sonner, Max Abramson, Stephen Campbell, […]
Tweet Can’t compare to tea parties for sure.
Tweet Disrespect, violence, profanity — everything we were accused of wrongly — is happening now. Dear Granite State Progress/SEIU: people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.