1. New Information on Articl...

Tweet “Publius Huldah” is Attorney Joanna Martin. She exposes the true agenda of the Article V Convention, and we’ve been saying the same thing all along — it is to install a ‘new constitution’ that is...

2. Advice to the GOP

Tweet Editorial NHTPC has editorially kept silent during the Trump presidency after having warned about the consequences of electing a TV reality show star with a questionable history and following in 2015-2016. Keep in mind that the...

3. Open Letter to Senator Sh...

Tweet by Russ Payne Open Letter To the Honorable Senator from the State of New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen: Pardon me but : I apologize If any of my letters are perceived as if I believe I have a monopoly on truth. I assure you that I am...

4. UN Peace Dove Unmasked &#...

Tweet by Russ Payne Open Letter to Congress and their employer, “we the people”, in lead-up to UN Day on October 24, 2019….. Is October 24th, UN Day truly a reason for celebration? Or has there been a cloud of disinformation...

5. Fake Teaparty are Constit...

Tweet Larry Lessig is a Harvard Law Professor who has a theory to get Hillary in the White House by year’s end. He is a founder of the Convention of States Project with Mark Meckler, co-founder of a fake 2009 GOP-run...
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Land Rights Rally February 3

Tweet If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: Contact for this event: Hon. Bob Giuda at 603-764-5869 (office) or 603-219-9643 (mobile) Hon. Anne Cartwright at 603-756-3781 For...

Action Items

Tweet These two items came in too late to be included in today’s eBlast TESTING – HB 1240 HEARING will be: 01/21/2016 at 09:50 AM in Legislative Office Building Room 207 Ask the committee to...

Ammon Bundy Inside Story

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Update: Testimony on SCWR Land Grabs in ...

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