1. New Information on Articl...

Tweet “Publius Huldah” is Attorney Joanna Martin. She exposes the true agenda of the Article V Convention, and we’ve been saying the same thing all along — it is to install a ‘new constitution’ that is...

2. Advice to the GOP

Tweet Editorial NHTPC has editorially kept silent during the Trump presidency after having warned about the consequences of electing a TV reality show star with a questionable history and following in 2015-2016. Keep in mind that the...

3. Open Letter to Senator Sh...

Tweet by Russ Payne Open Letter To the Honorable Senator from the State of New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen: Pardon me but : I apologize If any of my letters are perceived as if I believe I have a monopoly on truth. I assure you that I am...

4. UN Peace Dove Unmasked &#...

Tweet by Russ Payne Open Letter to Congress and their employer, “we the people”, in lead-up to UN Day on October 24, 2019….. Is October 24th, UN Day truly a reason for celebration? Or has there been a cloud of disinformation...

5. Fake Teaparty are Constit...

Tweet Larry Lessig is a Harvard Law Professor who has a theory to get Hillary in the White House by year’s end. He is a founder of the Convention of States Project with Mark Meckler, co-founder of a fake 2009 GOP-run...
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FBI Caught RedHanded Planning False Flag

Tweet Apparently the FBI was impersonating Bundy protesters and harassing local citizens to try to gain support for the idea that these folks were a danger to anyone. “…the FBI has a history of...

NRO’s Stanley Kurtz Lauds NH’...

Tweet H/T to our regional working group for all their efforts! HUD’s vision is NOT OUR VISION. NRO’s Stanley Kurtz Lauds NH’s Tea Party...

Marco Rubio is Wrong on Con Con

Tweet Sue Long of Virginia recently had this letter published in USA Today. Senator Rubio was one of the “Gang of Eight” that advocated for open borders and amnesty for illegals. Sen. Marco Rubio...

Ammon Bundy Interview Preview

Tweet This clip is a preview to a longer interview that one of our tea party members conducted with Ammon Bundy who is stationed at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Please stay tuned for more.....

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