1. New Information on Articl...

Tweet “Publius Huldah” is Attorney Joanna Martin. She exposes the true agenda of the Article V Convention, and we’ve been saying the same thing all along — it is to install a ‘new constitution’ that is...
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Bureau of Land Management No Constitutio...

Tweet Don’t get what the Hammond/Bundy situation is about? Let a constitutional lawyer bring you up to speed. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...

What the Oregon Standoff Means to NH

Tweet Have you been following this story of government overreach? Similar to the Bundy ranch, we are all wondering what will happen now? This is NH’s future as U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the...

Beware Fake Tea Party Groups: Anatomy of...

Tweet It’s election time, and once again we find it necessary to warn you about where you send your money. Since the teaparty movement was formed in 2007, we never could have imagined to what extent...

Dangers of Article V Constitution DVD

Tweet The year 2016 holds a major danger for our country, the opening of a Pandora’s Box, the Article V Constitutional Convention for the proposing of amendments to the Constitution. [click for larger...

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