1. New Information on Articl...

Tweet “Publius Huldah” is Attorney Joanna Martin. She exposes the true agenda of the Article V Convention, and we’ve been saying the same thing all along — it is to install a ‘new constitution’ that is...

2. Advice to the GOP

Tweet Editorial NHTPC has editorially kept silent during the Trump presidency after having warned about the consequences of electing a TV reality show star with a questionable history and following in 2015-2016. Keep in mind that the...

3. Open Letter to Senator Sh...

Tweet by Russ Payne Open Letter To the Honorable Senator from the State of New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen: Pardon me but : I apologize If any of my letters are perceived as if I believe I have a monopoly on truth. I assure you that I am...

4. UN Peace Dove Unmasked &#...

Tweet by Russ Payne Open Letter to Congress and their employer, “we the people”, in lead-up to UN Day on October 24, 2019….. Is October 24th, UN Day truly a reason for celebration? Or has there been a cloud of disinformation...

5. Fake Teaparty are Constit...

Tweet Larry Lessig is a Harvard Law Professor who has a theory to get Hillary in the White House by year’s end. He is a founder of the Convention of States Project with Mark Meckler, co-founder of a fake 2009 GOP-run...
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Cruz and Rubio AWOL Again

Tweet Both NH Senators Kelly Ayotte (R) and Jeanne Shaheen (D) voted YES to the re-authorization of a very unconstitutional education bill that would continue to deprive states of local control. And in...

Obama and Ayotte Working Against Freedom...

Tweet Yesterday, US Senator from NH Kelly Ayotte tweeted out this gem: When Obama forced his “Affordable” Health Care act upon hapless Americans, millions of middle class insured lost their plans...

The BLM’s Path of Destruction

Tweet This BLM fire reportedly killed more than 80 head of cattle, put ranchers trying to save their cattle in extreme danger, injured other cattle, burnt homes and structures, burnt fences and power poles...

US Makes War, Then We Get the Refugees

Tweet Please note at 00:05:58 the man who sums up the problem: US foreign policy. “You make war and we get the refugees”. The same is now happening to the US. If the above video does not appear on...

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