First, let’s get this much clear… the tea party is not a political party and as such does not run candidates for office. NHTPC also does not endorse candidates, nor do we fund them in any way. People should make contact directly with the campaigns of those they wish to support if they would like to help them get elected. However, be wary therefore of anyone calling themselves a ‘tea party’ candidate. If there were such a thing, few would qualify.
That said, how are your incumbent officials doing? What are their voting records? What are the positions of the new candidates who are running for office this term?
Although the NH Tea Party Coalition does not endorse particular campaigns we would like to make sure you are educated about which offices are open, and provide information to help you review and select candidates for those offices. If you would like to get to know the candidates by attending events where you can meet them and hear them speak and question them on their positions and beliefs, you can watch the State Party calendar or check your local Town and County Committee websites.
Some 912 and Tea Party groups also vet candidates at forums and debates from time to time.
You can see which people serve as your current NH Representatives and NH Senators right now by looking at the NH State Lookup as well as finding out what district you are in, as those numbers have changed. Some districts have added a ‘floterial’ position which is shared by two or more towns.
Districts for US Congress and Senate are 1 or 2 and you can find out which you are in here: Congressional Districts
You can also see State Voting Records on the General Court website. (Our Legislature is called the “General Court”)
Then there are City elections for Mayor, City Council, Alderman, School Board etc. In the towns, Selectman, School Board, and Town Council elections come up in the spring (February-May depending on town). You can find information about these elections on your Town’s or City’s website.
Your Town “Meetings” are VERY important because in NH this is where MOST of your tax dollars are currently raised and spent. In some towns, you can vote by ballot (SB2) but in others you MUST GET YOURSELF to the meeting and in some cases, stay all day well into the night to be able to vote.
If you have any questions about what’s what and the logistics of voting just drop us a line.
See the tab below this one for current 2016 election information and who is running for state, county and federal offices. [We’ll be updating it as the information is released.]